Treating Urinary Tract Infections in Children

Urinary tract infections are miserable.  As someone who suffers from urinary tract infections and have allergies to antibiotics, I know the struggle and the solutions.  However, it is always very important that you seek medical attention if you suspect your child has an infection.  Follow your doctor’s advice and do not use treatments mentioned in lieu of prescribed medication. Due to my allergies to antibiotics, I have learned to use natural remedies on the onset of an infection. The moment I feel a twinge of a problem I begin treatment.  It is important to catch it before a full blown … Continue reading

Teachers and Urinary Tract Infections

Teachers have a job that keeps them very busy throughout the day. Children, especially young children, cannot be left alone for any significant amount of time. Teachers usually get two breaks during the day. One break is for lunch and the other break is a planning period. Other than those two breaks, the teachers are typically left alone in the room to teach and care for the students. Because a teacher’s day is so busy and hectic, teachers are usually not aware of their own personal needs. For example, teachers often eat quicker and drink less than those employees who … Continue reading

Urinary Tract Infections

Some women are more prone to urinary tract infections during pregnancy. In fact, UTIs are the most common bacterial infection during pregnancy. This is caused by changes in the position of the urinary tract. In addition, the weight of the uterus can push down on the bladder, preventing urine from leaving. It’s important to see your doctor if you suspect that you have a urinary tract infection. There are medications that are safe for the baby. If the infection is left untreated, a kidney infection can result. This can be dangerous for the baby. Kidney infections can cause preterm labor. … Continue reading

Kidney Infection in Pregnancy

Kidney infections often result from untreated bladder infections. When a bladder infection is left untreated, the bacteria can continue to travel up the urinary tract, until it reaches the kidneys. The symptoms of kidney infection include fever, pain in the abdomen, pain in the back, under the ribs and chills. There are a few different causes of bladder and kidney infections. E coli and group B strep are common culprits. Certain sexually transmitted diseases can also result in kidney and bladder infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. In early pregnancy, most women are tested for these STDs, but they can … Continue reading

Bladder Infection in Pregnancy

Bladder infection is a bacteria infection that causes inflammation in the bladder. This is also called cystitis or a urinary tract infection. The urinary tract runs from the kidneys to the bladder to the urethra. A bladder infection results when bacteria enter the urethra and travels to the bladder. If the infection continues up the tract to the kidneys, the condition is far more serious. The condition is fairly common, affecting about five percent of pregnant women. Hormonal and physical changes during pregnancy cause women to be slightly more at risk of developing the infection when they are pregnant. Symptoms … Continue reading

FLUTD – Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

The name FLUTD – feline lower urinary tract disease — covers a number of conditions that affect the urinary tract in cats. In the simplest terms, FLUTD affects the cat’s urinary bladder and sometimes the urethra. FLUTD can be a serious disease resulting in death if not treated. General signs of urinary tract issues can include: Prolonged squatting or straining in the litter box (or out of the litter box) — some owners confuse this with constipation Straining in the litter box but not producing urine, or only producing a small amount Frequent urination or attempted urination Pain while urinating, … Continue reading

Hospital Acquired Infections

If you are going into the hospital for testing or surgery, you don’t want to come out feeling worse than you did when you went in! But what’s the real chance of contracting a hospital-acquired infection? The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that five or six out of every one hundred people who are admitted to a hospital end up with some kind of hospital-acquired infection. But that rate can drop by a third if appropriate measures are taken. Anything that enters the body — like an I.V. or a urinary catheter — can give infection a … Continue reading

Beware of Bath Time Dangers!

New parents need to learn how to properly bathe their babies. Bathing a toddler requires a different set of skills. The goal, of course, is to make sure your little one is clean and comfortable. There are some bath time dangers that parents need to be aware of. Bath Toys and Bacteria That cute little rubber ducky that your baby or toddler loves to play with in the bathtub could be full of bacteria. A study published in Biofilms and Microbiomes found that bath toys are colonized by dense biofilms with complex bacterial and fungal communities. It’s not just rubber … Continue reading

Blueberry French Toast

Blueberries are an amazing berry to add to your diet. Blueberries make a great snack all by themselves. Sprinkle some on cereal or oatmeal in the morning or in yogurt for a snack. The immense health benefits, which include weight management, and great taste make it an easy way to introduce healthy foods to your family. Kids love blueberries. Finding family friendly health foods is as easy as visiting a fruit market. My son would eat an endless supply of blueberries if I allowed it. When he was little, he ate so many he made himself sick. Here are just … Continue reading

Diagnosing Litter Box Problems

They don’t always use the box right… I’ve been noticing a disturbing pattern with the litter box lately. One of the cats, I’m not sure which, has taken to peeing on the edges of the inside of the box, splattering its sides. When I did my monthly cleaning of the area yesterday I noticed additional pee on the litter mat in between the two boxes. Unfortunately there are several reasons why either of my cats might be doing this. The first reason might be because one of them has a urinary tract infection. It’s more common for cats with UTI’s … Continue reading