Trans Fats and Infertility

By now, nearly everyone has heard of trans fats and the negative effect they can have on our health. These fats contribute to heart disease by raising the bad cholesterol and lowering the good cholesterol. A recent study at Harvard School of Public Health suggests that they may also impair a woman’s fertility. The study showed that women who ate a diet that included trans fats were more likely to have a fertility problem related to ovulation. If trans fats were 2% or more of the total daily calories, the risk of infertility was double, among study participants. Women with … Continue reading

Fats and Weight Loss

Impossible, you say? Poppycock! Yes, the crazy truth is that we actually need some fats in our diet in order to maintain good health. (Fats are especially needed for proper brain function.) We have to be a little selective about the fats we consume when trying to lose weight but we shouldn’t, by any means, cut out all fats. Small doses of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats are good. Trans fats and saturated fats are bad. For instance, cooking in butter isn’t the best idea but cooking in olive oil is a great idea. Obviously, we need to be mindful of … Continue reading

KFC Finally Trans Fat Free

KFC has announced it is making the switch to trans-fat free cooking oil. My question then is: what took them so long? Trans fats have since long been known for their harmful effects. For one, trans fat raise bad cholesterol levels while also lowering good cholesterol in the process. This fact has been known for a number of years now, and it is interesting that KFC only made the switch now. Only after their own customers pressed for it, may I add. Just requesting a change from KFC was apparently not enough; the Center for Science in the Public Interest, … Continue reading


When we think of Halloween, many of us probably conjure up images of ghosts, goblins, witches, and other scary characters. The most popular secular association with Halloween seems to be that of simply outlandish costumes and lots and lots of candy. I have never been a particular fan of all the Halloween festivities and could care less if we celebrated the day (or better said, the evening) at all. While I can appreciate the fun in dressing in attire out of the ordinary, I find the whole concept of trick or treating repulsive for one rather large reason: the candy. … Continue reading

Making Better Food Choices

I’m always looking for ways to make sure I have healthier things in the house for Hailey to eat. As a working single mother I’m not always home to make sure she makes good choices. The easiest way to make sure Hailey is eating things that are good for her when I’m not around is to make sure unhealthy items never make it into the house.   Packaged foods in general are rarely healthy, most contain too much salt, sugar or trans fats. Store bought cookies are high in calories and trans fats and loaded with sugar and preservatives. If … Continue reading

Getting Rid Of Toxins

Every day we are exposed to hundreds of toxins. Everything from the food we eat to the air we breathe has toxins. I always feel as the mom and main housekeeper that it is my job to protect my family from harmful things in our home. There are some things you can do at home to minimize your family’s exposure to harmful things. *Eat organic whenever possible. Look for produce that is grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers. If you have a garden at home then you know exactly what your veggies are exposed to. A farmers market is also … Continue reading

Win Free Bread for a Year from Nature’s Pride

How much bread do you, and your family, go through in a year? It probably totals out to much more than you might think. Bread adds quite a bit to your weekly grocery bill. Nature’s Pride is celebrating it’s anniversary by giving someone free bread for an entire year. That winner could be you! Bread is an important part of the diets of most people. You might start your day with a few slices of toast. Lunches typically include a sandwich, (on some variety of bread). You can’t make a “PB and J” without a few slices of bread. The … Continue reading

Spending Time with Healthy Olga: High Fructose Corn Syrup/Partially Hydrogenated Oils

Continuing my interview with Olga, she will shed some light on high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils. Many of you already know those are two ingredients I do not consume. I have written a few articles on this matter but the information Olga shares will help you understand how had these two ingredients are for you. Many prepackaged diet foods and snack bags contain high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils. Are those foods still safe to eat and will it benefit my weight loss goals? High fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats) are … Continue reading

The Skinny on Fat: Dangers of Hydrogentated Oils Part 1

Years ago I heard a doctor on TV tell the audience to go through all your cupboards and throw away anything with partially hydrogenated oils. At that time I had paid little or no attention to hydrogenated oils. If truth be told I knew nothing about hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. After hearing this doctor briefly describe the dangers of hydrogenated oils, I decided to check my cupboard for which foods contained it. I was shocked to discover how many products I would have to throw away had I heeded this doctor’s advice. Since I simply could not afford to … Continue reading

Should Schools Ban Cookies?

Gone are the days of celebrating your kid’s birthday in school with cupcakes and cookies. At least at my daughter’s school. Last month, administrators at my kid’s private school put the kibosh on birthday baked goods and candy. Now, the only treats your birthday boy can share in class on his big day are “fun print” napkins, pencils, Go-gurt, crackers or string cheese. Can you say party pooper? I did, until I learned that the New York City Department of Education has also banned baked goods in school. According to the New York Times, class bake sales are now banned … Continue reading