Stay-at-Home Wives: A New Trend?

This time, credit not only for the idea of this blog but also for the title goes to Jade “The Muse” Walker. (At this rate, she’s going to have to get a new nickname. Something catchier. Something that better conveys the abundance of leads she bestows upon me.) This is sort of a continuation of my Yes, I Confess, I’m a Stay-at-Home Wife article. But instead of making more confessions (I’ve got some more coming, actually, but in a separate article), I’m going to discuss the article by Sarah Jio that Jade sent me. The one that’s kicking off … Continue reading

Have You Considered a Home Birth?

During my second pregnancy, my husband and I decided that we wanted a different prenatal care and birth experience than we had with our first son, who was born in the birthing center of our local hospital. We found a pair of wonderful home – birth midwives, and we worked with them throughout the pregnancy until I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and my care had to be transferred to a hospital. Even though we did not get to have the home birth that we had wanted, the care that we received up until the transfer to the hospital was much … Continue reading

Preparing for Your Home Birth

When you plan to have your baby at home, part of preparing yourself for the birth of your baby includes preparing your home so that you have a safe and comfortable place to give birth. As your pregnancy progresses, why not gather up everything that you will need and place it in the area where you would like your birth to take place. The biggest item that you will need is the birthing tub, if you would like to have a water birth. Tubs can be purchased or rented, so ask your midwives about what options there are in your … Continue reading

Dads and Home Based Business

Father’s Day is in just a few days, and I would like to discuss some of the ways that dads contribute to home-based business success. Some dads are home-based professionals. Many men enjoy the freedom that comes with entrepreneurship or home-based work and they often achieve professional goals that far exceed what they had imagined. Some of these dads are also stay-at-home dads, balancing fatherhood and work while building close relationships with their children. It is also important to note that stay-at-home dads provide valuable support to their wives or girlfriends in their careers whether the women work outside of … Continue reading

Australia Now Has Insurance For Housewives

A person who is a stay at home mom, otherwise known as a housewife, probably doesn’t have a job. However, that mom is doing a whole lot of work, every single day. Imagine how much it would cost to hire someone to do all the work that a housewife does for free. An insurance company in Australia has done just that, and now has an insurance policy for housewives. If you were to list all the tasks that a typical housewife does every day, it would create a very demanding job description. Applicants must be available to work as early … Continue reading

Desperate Housewives Marrying to Avoid Loneliness

Lyn has partnered up for the second time. Her first marriage was extremely happy – except that her husband drank until he finally became an alcoholic. Miserable, Lyn put up with the situation for years hoping he would change, but as in many cases, he didn’t. The marriage failed. Desperate for a new man, Lyn went on the singles scene in her early 40s. Unfortunately she met up with Anthony, a seeming kind and affable man just five years older than her. But he had already been married three times before and had children to two of these women. He … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Love Stories: Home for the Holidays

Last year at this time Wayne and I were in Denver to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family. I remember being so excited about getting to spend a whole week with Wayne. Thanksgiving, Then and Now It was a big deal because we’d spent months apart enduring a commuter marriage. But then Wayne decided not to stay with the job in Jacksonville and to get his old job back here in Nashville. I was over the moon! (Mostly because I was tired of trying to keep the house show-ready and over only seeing him on weekends.) Last year, Thanksgiving week marked … Continue reading

Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Wife

A couple of months ago I confessed that I was a stay-at-home wife and I explained how that had happened. I also admitted I was embarrassed about it, and laughed at an article that suggested stay-at-home wives were a new “trend.” Oh yeah, for a while there I was on a stay-at-home wife kick. I plan to revisit the issue briefly with some confessions about my life as a stay-at-home wife. As usual, comments are welcomed. I’ll be curious to hear what some of you have to say about this blog. Confession #1: Sometimes I Feel Guilty It’s not like … Continue reading

Wives Judging Wives

Last night was the tournament night for my Thursday night volleyball team. (Distinguished as such because I’m also on teams Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday nights. I was not exaggerating when I told Tristi I have a crazy passion for volleyball.) At any rate, tournament nights are long. Instead of playing one match against one team which lasts 45 minutes, we play four or five teams one game each. That means we’re there for three to four hours. The nice thing about tournament nights is all the socializing we get to do, both with other teams as well as our own. … Continue reading

How I Ended Up a Stay-at-Home Wife

It seems that once I made the confession that I’m a stay-at-home wife, I can’t quit talking about the topic. It’s been so freeing! Now I want to spill about how it was I ended up a stay-at-home wife. (Don’t worry. This will be the last post on this topic for a little bit. I’m working some more stuff up for September, though.) The Pull I was a good student throughout my academic career. I went to college. I worked afterwards. But I ended up job hopping. Then I decided to go back to school to become a paralegal. The … Continue reading