Staph Infection Turns Deadly

Earlier I reported that several students in Massachusetts had been infected with a drug resistant staph infection. The schools were sanitizing and washing with bleach and water. It seems that the infection ahs also been detected in schools nation wide. The staph, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is not affected by penicillin and other antibiotics. The good news is that it can be treated with other types of drugs. Eighth grade students at a middle school in Southern Indiana have been diagnosed with the staph infection. The students were football players and the school has taken action to sanitize the locker … Continue reading

Students Diagnosed with Dangerous Staph Infection

This time of year always leads to various health outbreaks at schools. Most parents expect the typical colds, cough, runny nose, and fever. They dread but also are not surprised a child that comes home with flu or strep throat. Even lice are not a major thing that catches parents very off guard. However, every now and then a disease or sickness breaks out that has parents and school workers terrified. One of those diseases that scares me is staph infection. I am not a doctor or nurse and I actually do not know much about it except for I … Continue reading

A Warning About A Potentially Deadly Staph Infection

My teenage cousins recently wrapped up the school year, but they didn’t come home empty handed. Each student athlete received a letter regarding a potentially deadly staph infection that attacks the skin. It’s called Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus or MRSA. According to the information provided by the school and county health department, it is contagious and frightening. MRSA is considered by medical experts as a superbug, which means it is resistant to antibiotics and by all accounts it is rapidly spreading among athletes (both amateur and professional). The letter was sent to parents to inform them about MRSA and to list … Continue reading

Infection Fighting Mud

Researchers are always looking for alternatives to traditional antibiotics — especially in this day and age of resistant “superbugs”. Last week, it was compounds in alligator blood. This week? It’s mud. Scientists from the Arizona State University Center for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology are looking at anti-microbial minerals in mud. Why? Because mud and clay have a long history of use in healing. Ancient people around the world used mud for wound healing, skin soothing, and more. These days, mud and clay are mainly cosmetic products… but that may change within the next few years. The Arizona State University team … Continue reading

Belly Button Infections

We most often think of belly button infections as something suffered by persons who have pierced their naval. While this does account for a significant portion of the infections, piercing is not the only way you can get an infection in your belly button. When I was a little girl, my father (I think it was my father, but he’s denying all knowledge) told me that I shouldn’t stick my fingers in my belly button or it would turn black. Being the impressionable soul that I was, I’ve never stuck my fingers in my belly button, and yet last week, … Continue reading

Help for Families in the “Diaper Gap”

Families with newborns quickly learn that diapers are expensive. Many families struggle to be able to afford enough diapers for their babies. This leads to difficult choices like whether to spend money on food, diapers, or utility bills. The Obama administration has a plan that utilizes technology to help solve this problem. Nearly one in three Americans cannot afford to purchase enough diapers for their babies. In some cases, parents cope by stretching the length of time between diaper changes. This can lead to serious health problems for babies and parents. Babies can end up with urinary tract or staph … Continue reading

My Bad Luck

Have I ever mentioned that I have horrible luck? If I have not let me tell you that now; I definitely have bad luck. I mean first I am diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 35 I actually found it before my 35th birthday but diagnosis was at 35. I develop MRSA, which if you don’t know it is the medicine resistant staph infection, also known as the flesh eating staph, from the lumpectomy and get hospitalized. I choose to have prophylactic bilateral mastectomies and TRAM Flap reconstruction and the plastic surgeon over stuffed me causing me to … Continue reading

In Memoriam – 2010 – Part 3

After the first two installments, here’s the final blog of famous people who died in 2010: July July 4 – Mitch Miller – Mitch Miller was a musician, singer, conductor, producer, and music executive that played a great part in American music during the ‘50s and ‘60s. He died at the age of 99. July 13 – George Steinbrenner – George Steinbrenner, “The Boss,” was the outspoken, controversial owner of the New York Yankees for almost 40 years. He died of a heart attack nine days after his 80th birthday. July 15 – Hank Cochran – Hank Cochran was a … Continue reading

Celebrity Updates: Quaid’s Sue Drug Company

Who can blame them? It’s official; actor Dennis Quaid and his wife Kimberly have filed a lawsuit against the makers of heparin, the blood thinner that was inadvertently administered to their newborns in massive (and potentially deadly) doses. According to news reports, the Quaid’s filed a product liability lawsuit in Chicago and are seeking roughly $50,000 in damages. The suit claims the drug manufacturer, which is based in Illinois, was “negligent in packaging different doses of the product in similar vials with blue backgrounds.” The lawsuit further claims the company knew of previous dosage mix-ups yet failed to recall shipments … Continue reading

Update on Dennis Quaid’s Sick Twins and Slain Pro Football Player’s Celebrity Ties

It’s been a little more than a week since the tragic news broke regarding Dennis Quaid’s newborn twins becoming the innocent victims of a preventable hospital accident. When I first blogged about Quaid’s son Thomas Boone and daughter Zoe Grace having been administered a lethal dose of the blood thinner Heparin, there was no information given as to why the babies were in the hospital to begin with. Both infants were born in good health via a surrogate mother earlier this month. Brother and sister were released a few days later, but only now is information being released as to … Continue reading