How to Save Money on a Gym Membership

If you have been thinking about joining a gym, today might be one of the best days to do it. Many fitness facilities are slicing membership costs right now. Why? Well, there are the initial promotions for the beginning of the year, the time when most people join a gym. Many of these promotions expire January 31, but guess what? New ones should take their place, as fitness centers try to extend the rush of membership to get them through the rest of the year. Here are some of the more popular gyms or fitness centers and the promotions that … Continue reading

How to Save Money on School Supplies

Tis the season for back to school supplies. Parents everywhere are facing this time with a mixture of joy and dread. The summer will soon be over, and how on earth will they pay for all of the stuff that there kids need? If they are smart, budget-conscious consumers, they may try using the following strategies to bring the cost of needed school supplies down to just pennies on the dollar. Shop Multiple Stores Retail stores are fighting hard to get your back to school dollar, but not all sales are created equal. That is why if you want to … Continue reading

New Baby? Eight Ways to Save Money

Your little bundle of joy can wind up costing you big money. Here are eight different ways to trim costs without sacrificing all of the cuteness. Consider giving up the private room after the first day of your hospital stay. Private rooms can wind up costing you up to $500 extra a day, and most insurance companies will not pay for this privilege. If you have a c-section or complications, your stay could be up to five days long, and the costs will add up. Check into the fees and then make your decision. When you consider the parade of … Continue reading

How to Save Money at Oriental Trading

Oriental Trading is my go-to for supplies when I am planning a big birthday party, as I am doing this year. They have a ton of stuff, from decorations to crafts to goodie bag items. It is easy to find items to fit practically any theme. The spending could quickly get out of hand, unless you know the Oriental Trading money-saving secrets. My youngest, who usually gets short-changed in most things, by fortune of his birth (hand-me-downs and a much slimmer photo album) is finally getting his do with an elaborate (for us) knight-themed birthday party. He is inviting all … Continue reading

Save Money on Your Pets

According to the ASPCA, the cost of maintaining one medium-sized dog in your household during the first year is more than $1,500. A cat will need just more than $1,000. This is after the initial costs of adoption or purchase, it does not take into account specialized food, and it and only considers the minimal amount of toys and equipment (carriers and holiday presents not included). Multiple animals require, obviously, most cost outlay. Still, there are ways to reduce those costs while still having happy pets. Here are some common expenses related to pet care, along with ways to reduce … Continue reading

How to Save Money on Lipstick

Did you know that during the worst economic times, sales of lipstick tend to go up? This is because lipstick can be a little affordable luxury that makes women feel good without having to spend a lot of money. Lipstick has gotten a bit fancy these days, though, and all of the special formulas can come with a special price, making lipstick more pricey than it was in years past. Still there are ways to save money on lipstick, no matter what your favorite type or color. Rescuing a Bad Lipstick Sometimes you buy a lipstick on impulse, you get … Continue reading

Think Positively and Save Money

Thinking positively can help you save money. When you focus on the blessings in your life rather than on the things you don’t feel that you can afford, you will naturally be happier and require less of the material things. Also, thinking positively may help you figure out creative solutions the next time you feel as though you need to acquire something expensive. We do our best thinking when we are in a positive emotional state. Here are some ways that you can think positively about being frugal and consequently save money. Have goals and imagine how your life will … Continue reading

Attending a Wedding? Here is How to Save Money

Even if you aren’t the bride, groom or bridesmaid, attending a wedding can be pricey. There is the cost of the dress, tux or suit, the accessories, the transportation costs, the hotel stay, and of course, the gift. If you are actually in the wedding, those costs can go up even more. Here are some ways to save on the cost of attending a wedding. Clothing For a fancy formal wedding, consider renting your gown or tux instead of buying one. For a fraction of the cost you can look stunning. Accessories can also be rented. Alternatively, women can choose … Continue reading

Save Money on Moving Expenses

Ah, if I only knew then what I know now. You can save money on moving expenses. We made our last move six years ago. I had three children ages five and younger, with two of them in diapers. If that wasn’t stressful enough, we wound up spending too much money on our move. We did save on moving expenses in some areas, but overspent in others. If you are contemplating a move, learn from both my successes and my mistakes and save money. Don’t Pay for Boxes While buying boxes (both storage facilities and moving companies sell them) may … Continue reading

Children’s Outgrown Sales: Six Strategies that Save Money

Cut your children’s clothing budget by at least 70 percent, and stock the playroom with a complete set fun toys that you can get for less than $20, when you take advantage of children’s outgrown sales. Here are six tips to help you get the most out of your experience. Finding the Sales Depending on where you live, finding children’s outgrown sales can either be easy or require a bit of research. I’ve found the best sales through word of mouth. They are usually the ones run my churches or other smaller organizations. The selection tends to be high, but … Continue reading