Role Models of Another Gender

As a single parent with an absent non-custodial father, I always worried about my daughter having a strong male role model in her life. I did all I could by being the best mom I could be. I worked so I could provide her with shelter, food, clothes, and an over-abundance of toys. I made it a point of doing special mom and daughter things, such as painting our nails, going to a movie, shopping, etc. But there was one thing I could not do: teach her how to have a relationship with a man. I am not talking romantic … Continue reading

Strong Role Models

The other day I heard a man talking about other women and doing exactly what Mary Ann was talking about, commenting on their anatomy. His wife was present at the time. She looked embarrassed and I felt sorry for her, having to put up with a husband who does that. It’s something I’ve not encountered in my own marriage, for which I am very thankful. Mick’s never been one to flirt with or talk about other women. He doesn’t even notice when other women smile at him as happened the other day while we were shopping. He doesn’t look at … Continue reading

Past Olympians Continue to be Role Models with Adoption Stories

As Olympic fever dies down, we can continue to help our children to realize the normalcy and frequency of adoption by looking at past Olympians. Learning about their lives before and since their Olympic moment reinforces to our children that these are real people. Earlier this month, I blogged about Lopez Lomong and Reese Hoffa, Olympic athletes who represented the U.S.A. in Beijing this year. They both have interesting adoption stories. More than a dozen past Olympic athletes were also adopted. You may remember the) story of Toby Dawson, a U.S. skier who was adopted from Korea at the age … Continue reading

My Top 5 Animal Loving Role Models

For National Inspirational Role Model Month (which November is) over in Marriage I wrote about my favorite TV wives as role models from the 1950s thru the 1970s and 1980s thru the present. Here in Pets I’d like to do something similar: list those people involved with animals who influenced me to love and care for them like I do. 1. My dad, Ralph Mroch: My dad’s got to have one of the most tender hearts towards animals of anyone in my family. As I wrote about in Where My Compassion for Animals Comes From, I get my love of … Continue reading

TV Wives as Role Models: My Faves from the 1980s-Present Day

So far I listed my favorite TV role model wives from the 1950s to the 1970s. This list takes us through the eighties to current times. 1980s • Elyse Keaton (Family Ties): Her down to earth demeanor and strength of conviction helped her be the beacon her husband and kids turned to for guidance through rough waters. • Jennifer Hart (Hart to Hart): She was glamorous, stunning, stylish, and smart and she got to have all these amazing adventures catching bad guys with her dashing, devoted husband. • Roseanne Connor (Roseanne): This one straddles both the eighties and nineties since … Continue reading

TV Wives as Role Models: My Faves from the 1950s-1970s

Since November is National Inspirational Role Model Month, I thought it’d be fun to list some television wives I’ve admired over the years. Even though they are TV wives, in a TV world where everything’s scripted and a happy ending is assured, there’s wisdom and inspiration to be gleaned from their foibles, mishaps, and messes nonetheless. Because conflict, confrontation, and duress are guaranteed at some point during the half hour or hour time slot in which their shows run. That’s what makes it entertaining: to see how they’ll deal with, and eventually overcome, the problems they’re faced with. I’ve listed … Continue reading

Letters of Love: My Parents; My Role Models

As parents, one of our goals is to give our children support, love and a firm grasp of their own self-worth. It’s amazing what a good marriage gives to our children. Children benefit from their parents interactions as a couple. They benefit from the existence of mutual love and respect. They benefit from the kindness and the compassion they witness. They even benefit from the problems that you have as a couple and your efforts to repair your relationship. Today’s letter of love is from an adult child to her father and celebrates the love and respect they taught her. … Continue reading

Providing Real Life Role Models

Recently Myra Turner wrote about the influence of song lyrics on teenagers and it got me to thinking about all of the ready-made role models our teens are digesting. Media personalities and sports heroes whom they are spoon-fed and led to believe are “role models.” It dawned on me that as parents, we need to combat those pseudo role models by helping to provide “real life” role models for our kids. Real life role models can be inspirational in their very ordinariness. Years ago, when my eldest daughter was in the fifth grade, her TAG class went on a field … Continue reading

Adult Role Models

Children learn how to act by watching and interacting with other people in their lives. Adults need to set good examples for their children and other children. In a nationwide survey conducted in the late 1990’s only 27% of student’s in grades 6-12 said they had parents and other adults in their lives that model positive, responsible behavior. I guess the old saying “Do as I say, not as I do” is still a widely used method of parenting. Like it or not we parents are our children’s most important role models. We need to have a sense of purpose … Continue reading

We Are Our Kids’ Role Models

Perhaps, no one may have more influence in your child’s life than you! If you have children in your home, I believe God has entrusted them into your care for a reason. He has a purpose for them through you. While they are very young we have much influence over them as to how they will perceive their world, what they may generally believe about other people, and very importantly, how they see Christ. Even if your children are older, there is still so much you can teach them. I believe the biggest way our children learn from us is … Continue reading