Perks of Public Education: Y = Young Minds

I am down to the last two letters in the perks of public education. Although, I will just be discussing twenty-six of them, teaching is full of many wonderful perks for me. One major perk in teaching public education is the opportunity to work with young minds. The minds of children are so refreshing and pleasant to work with. In most cases, the thoughts of children are pure and untouched by bias, hatred, and worldly issues. It can be a very big eye opener to hear and see how a child’s mind thinks. Children can be very honest and open … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: X = Xtracurricular Activities

Yes, I do actually know that the spelling in the title is wrong. However, there are very few words that begin with the letter “X” that I could use for my series. Therefore, I decided to go with a word that begins with the sounding of the word “X”. So for this article, I chose xtracurricular (extracurricular) activities as a perk for public education. This perk for public education usually takes place outside of the typical school day. Extracurricular activities are activities that are “extra” for education. They are not taught in a classroom as a regular subject during the … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: W = Worth It Moments

I have talked with many different teachers from many different areas and one thing I have found all teachers have in common. No matter what kind of teacher I spoke with or what grade level he or she taught, each of them could detail a “worth it” moment. As a teacher, it can be very easy to become frustrated or dishearten with your job. There are days that teachers might feel that no one learned or listened to a word that was spoken. There are days when teachers feel that all they have done is fuss and discipline. There are … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: V = Vocational Courses

My perk for public education today begins with the letter V. V for me is for vocational courses. Many high schools now offer vocational courses for students. Elementary school and middle school students usually do not have the opportunity to participate in vocational courses. However for those students in high school, vocational courses are a big perk. Most high school schedules are set up so that students have the opportunity to take elective courses in addition to the required courses. A variety of vocational courses are usually offered. Vocational courses are not required but can they can help students make … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: U = Uniqueness

Learning and teaching in any form can be very rewarding. However, there are many perks in teaching and learning through public education. Many perks have been addressed thus far. Most public education systems have at least one teacher per grade level. Many schools have three or four teachers per grade level. One great perk of the public education system is the unique style of teaching and learning that the student experiences from have many different educators in his or her education career. When students pass from one teacher to the next, they gain many different experiences. Each teacher has his … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: T = Transportation

Many issues have been discusses about the perks and concerns of education. Some perks have been for the teachers, while others have addressed parents and students. The perk today is a perk for all three. The “perks of education” series is now ready for the letter T. T stands for the perk of transportation. The public education system provides transportation for the students to attend specific schools. Providing a school bus for students to ride is not a requirement. School buses are a perk or a privilege. If students do not exhibit appropriate behavior on the school bus, their rights … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: S= Services

One perk for public education among many students and parents is the special services provided. Many children receive services through public education that they would normally not receive elsewhere. Through public education, students receive free speech and language services. These services are even offered for a limited time through the summer months. Each child is screened for speech or language disabilities at the beginning of kindergarten. Parents are notified if it is believed that their child may benefit from speech or language services. Public education also offers physical and occupational therapy. My school has a CDC class for physically and … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: R = Registration

Today, I will discuss the letter R for perks of public education. A perk for public education is the registration system. Each year, my school district holds a kindergarten pre-registration, a registration for students who plan on remaining at their current school, and a registration for new and transferring students. Some school systems do not hold registrations. They open the first day of school and do the best that they can to deal with the children that arrive. I feel that having a registration format is definitely a perk. Registration allows us to get an idea of how many children … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: Q= Quantity

It took me a while to think of a perk of public education that began with the letter Q. The word quiet kept coming to mind but we all know that public education classrooms (or any classrooms for that matter) are usually far from being quiet. That word did not work for me. I then began thinking about homeschooling parents and the couple of private schools in my area. I thought how at times it must be frustrating teaching either one due to the lack of support in small numbers. I realize that homeschooling parents meet but some are many … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: P = Parents

I have chosen the same topic for the letter P for both perks and concerns of public education. I feel that parents can be on both sides. First, I would like to discuss parents as being a perk. This year for me has been wonderful in the department of parents. I have had very few complaints or issues that have arose with parents. In fact, I have had one parent that has been awesome to work with in my classroom. Parents can be very supportive for teachers. Parents can help out with extra classroom duties and lighten the load with … Continue reading