Herbal Supplements and Your Young Child

Many parents swear by herbal supplements for their young children to do everything from shorten a cold to reduce symptoms of autism. But behind the hype are some important things you should know about herbal supplements, if you want to keep your little one safe. First parents need to understand that herbal supplements are not regulated very rigidly. In fact, the amount or concentration of an herb in a supplement can vary per dose. For the safer herbs, this may not matter much. But some herbs can prove dangerous. Always inform your pediatrician if you are trying herbal supplements for … Continue reading

Herbal Supplements – Who Shouldn’t Use Them

One of the biggest challenges to dieting is understanding what diets you can or can’t do as well as what you can or can’t take. For example, when you are dieting you should not take herbal supplements if you fall into any of the following categories: You shouldn’t take herbal supplements when you are taking prescription medications without checking with the physician or pharmacist first. Some herbs can cause serious side effects when they are combined with other medications especially those that regulate blood pressure or act as a blood thinner. You shouldn’t take herbal supplements when there is a … Continue reading

Herbal Supplements: Ginseng

A study by the University of Alberta in Canada recently found that taking American ginseng (panax quinquefolius) can help reduce your chance of getting a cold! What is ginseng? Ginseng is a dried root from herbs in the same family. The most commonly used type of ginseng is Asian ginseng (panax ginseng). American ginseng is considered a milder version of the Asian varieties. In its various forms, ginseng has been used in medicine for over seven thousand years! The name panax comes from the Greek panacea, meaning “all healing”. Ginseng supporters say it can help reduce stress, boost energy, enhance … Continue reading

Herbal Supplements – Introduction to Them

Do you use herbal supplements? There are many herbal supplements available over-the-counter. They often contain ingredients that affect your body and how it functions. Are they safe for you to use? A lot of that would depend on the supplement, the state of your health currently and your personal medical history. Before deciding to use an herbal supplement, it’s a good idea to educate yourself on what they are and what they do before you buy them. You should also talk to your physician before taking them. Even when supplements contain labels, they can be confusing and difficult to read. … Continue reading

The Essential Eight Supplements

Prevention magazine recently shared a list of eight “essential” supplements — natural remedies that science supports and experts trust. Andrographis (for immunity). This Asian plant can help rein in the symptoms of the common cold — and may help prevent one in the first place. I haven’t heard of this herb, but the experts at Prevention vouch for it. Capsaicin (for pain relief). The stuff that makes hot peppers so hot helps ease pain by first stimulating and then decreasing pain signals. Ginseng (for energy). All varieties of ginseng — American, Asian, and Siberian — can stimulate an adrenal hormone … Continue reading

Colic May Lead to Future Disease

Researchers are studying colic in babies, the one gastrointestinal condition that can stump even the experts. They have some interesting news about it, including identification of a bacterium that may be causing the condition, as well as a link between colic in babies and the later development of gastrointestinal disease into adulthood. Colic is characterized by inconsolable crying in an otherwise healthy baby. It has long been thought that some form of gastrointestinal discomfort is to blame. Colic can be dangerous not directly but because it can lead to frustration in parents, post partum depression and even harm to the … Continue reading

More Signs that Crying is Serious

Babies cry; they cry a lot. This is natural, as it is the main way that they can communicate to let you know that they need something from you: food, a diaper change, comfort. Some times, crying can be indicative of a more serious problem, one that requires medical attention. Here are some more signs that your baby’s cry is serious. And check out yesterday’s post: Is Your Baby’s Cry Serious? How to Tell. When your poor baby is screaming at the top of his lungs, please check for a nasal discharge. If your baby has a thick, yellow discharge … Continue reading

Is Your Baby’s Cry Serious? How to Tell

There is an instinctual heart-wrenching for most parents when a baby cries, especially when the baby belongs to you. While colic is a real issues, it is the sudden bouts of crying for seemingly no reason that concerns most parents, especially if the baby is generally not prone to crying jags. Here are some ways to tell if the crying is serious and requires medical attention. Of course, if you are ever in doubt, seek medical attention right away. Doctors would rather be bothered when something isn’t serious than have care put off for a serious issue. The Baby Book … Continue reading

Signs of a Fever

While modern medicine has granted us all sorts of thermometers, from traditional to novel, not all of them are accurate all of the time. This is especially true for a young baby who may have hot insides but may only feel slightly warm to the touch. A slightly warm baby may not even prompt a parent or caregiver to take the baby’s temperature. But fevers in young children can be a cause for alarm. That is why it is always good to know the signs of a fever. Use the kiss method. The abundance of nerves and thinner skin in … Continue reading

Know Your Child’s Medicine

No parent likes to give medicine to their baby. It is often an awkward and messy process, especially when you have a baby who is young enough to still have a gag reflex. But there usually comes a time when some medication is needed, whether through prescription or over the counter. Here is what you need to know about giving medicine correctly and ensuring the safety of your baby. I remember back when my middle child needed some fever reducer for strep throat (which I believe that she actually caught on her well visit appointment). I called the pediatrician office … Continue reading