Feeling Busy? This May Be The Reason Why

If you own and operate your own business out of your home, you are probably well aware that being an entrepreneur means that you wear many hats. What you may not be aware of is exactly what those hats are, and how often you wear each of them. It may seem easier to think of your home-based business as a single entity and that you just do “everything” that needs doing. It is actually useful to stop and think for a few minutes about all of the hats that you wear as an entrepreneur. Even just a few minutes is … Continue reading

What Makes you Feel Attractive?

As superficial as it may be, our world is much about appearance and looks. We value supermodels and movie stars for their facial features, bodies, clothing, and hairstyles. We work ourselves crazy at gyms more for the appearance than for the health. Most women care about their appearance. Some women care more than others, but deep down we all want to look our best. Whether it is to impress a man, friends, or just to build our own self-confidence, most women carry out daily activities to make ourselves look better. We wax our face and body, we wear make-up, we … Continue reading

Do You Find Your Mate Attractive?

While researching, I came across a study that examined couples with long lasting relationships. The research identified some factors that were believed to lead to the couple staying together so long. One factor I found to be very interesting. The study found that couples that stayed together and remained in love and faithful to one another were blind to physical changes. As you well known, time can take toll on a person’s physical appearance. Weight gain, wrinkles, and hair loss are among the predators. Couples who stay together say that their partner is beautiful. Believing that your partner is sexy … Continue reading

Stifling Your Baby Boy’s Feelings

Does someone in your family tell you not to let your baby boy play with dolls? Do they tell you to be tough on him because you don’t want him to be a crybaby? Do they frown when he says he likes to dance or play dress up? Do they worry that he will be a girly girl? Despite generations of being harsh on boys and squashing their sensitivity flat, you should remember that your son has emotions and is equally entitled to them as girls. They should be allowed to express whether they are sad, they are angry, they … Continue reading

Lifestyle Replacing Diet Plans?

You might be surprised to learn that less and less people (especially women) are dieting.  At first, this might sound like a bad thing.  After all, isn’t obesity a significant problem in the United States?  Shouldn’t more people be dieting? Well there are a couple of issues to consider.  The first is that many women are starting to embrace and accept their bodies.  Not that they don’t want to make healthy changes.  But there is less concern about being stick-thin. Others truly don’t see having too much weight as being unattractive. There are a couple of ways to look at … Continue reading

The Heart of the Scrapbook

Your album may be top-notch, your embellishments as fancy as they come, but at the heart of every scrapbook are treasured photos of moments you want to preserve for future generations. Given the importance of scrapbook pictures, it pays to fine-tune your camera skills. What’s more, if you are planning to craft a memory album with a particular theme, it’s also beneficial to create a list of specific shots you want to capture. Doing so will allow you to piece together comprehensive layouts that are as attractive as they are easy to read. For example, if you are planning to … Continue reading

Tips For Keeping More of Your Money

There are a couple of basic ways to have more money – earning more and spending less. Both involve time and effort, but there are a few simple things that you can do to make sure that you are spending as little as possible on certain items. If you go through this list and check off an item or two each week, in a few weeks you will have started the New Year with the knowledge that you are not overpaying for a few different things. One thing that you can do is to make sure that you are not … Continue reading

Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression

After giving birth a woman goes through a myriad of emotions. The drop in hormones at such a rapid rate after giving birth can trigger feelings of depression. It is not uncommon for a woman to go through many emotional changes as she encounters the changes in her life a baby brings. Some women feel unattractive, some are still experiencing pain or had difficult births, and some may have relationship problems which can contribute to feelings of depression. For many these feelings subside yet others experience a more serious depression called postpartum depression. What are the differences? Baby Blues The … Continue reading

Rough Ride: The Roller Coaster of Adolescence

Few things strike fear into the heart of parents more than the approaching adolescence of their children. They’ve heard horror stories from family and friends, and they dread the fear of the unknown and how it’s going to go with their own kids. Will that happy-go-lucky child turn into some sort of a sullen monster? Will the childhood skirmishes of yesterday turn into open warfare? Will the days of having their friends over all the time turn into years of going out to be with friends somewhere else? Most of us can remember feeling awkward, unattractive, anxious, and overwhelmed as … Continue reading

Interior Design As A Home-Based Business

Do you often daydream about rearranging the furniture in your home and adding decorative touches here and there to give your home an entirely new feeling? Are you one of those people that makes small adjustments to their home’s decor each season so that it always looks and feels up to date? Perhaps you always get compliments about your home’s décor whenever guests come to visit. These are just some of the things that could indicate that you have an innate sense of what good interior design looks like. Interior design is a career that lends itself well to working … Continue reading