Communication Breakdown

What do you do when your marriage has experienced a communication breakdown? It happens to the best of marriages, so it might be helpful to plan for these occasions ahead of time. I will admit it has been an issue in my marriage lately. When this happens it is almost always because of a stressor, particularly with our children. What we have been dealing with lately is a lot of emotional ups and downs, now that we are facing the departure of our oldest son. He will be leaving in just under three weeks for basic training in the Air … Continue reading


Last night I was reminded just how crucial it is to communicate with your ex spouse. Most of the time my ex and I get along fairly well. Even though we weren’t married anymore, we knew it was important to have a good relationship with each other for our son’s sake. We do our best to work together on things because, coming from broken homes ourselves, we both knew how important that was for Logan. For the last couple of months we have had some trouble communicating. He has a new girlfriend and so the dynamics of things changed drastically. … Continue reading

What Happily Married Couples Do

Today, my husband and I got into an argument. Neither one of us could seem to see the other person’s point of view. While he is a great strength to me, we are both tired, and exhausted much of the time due to raising 3 kids, one of which is a 2 month old, very need baby. In that environment, it is easy to get short with one another, and not realize before it is too late, and we are arguing. Without going into what our fight was about, I will say that we worked it out. We always do. … Continue reading

Creative Communication with Your Teen

If you are the parent of a teen, then you know how difficult communication can be at times. If it’s not a breakdown of communication, it is miscommunication. Either one can get you in trouble. So how does a parent find a way to communicate with their teen when it feels like they are dealing with a clam? You know the type…they won’t open their mouth for anything. They feel uncomfortable being put on the spot and made to feel that they have to talk. One way is to not make it so formal. Talking with your teen doesn’t have … Continue reading

Setting Up Your First Budget as a Couple

Newlyweds face many challenges as they seek to form their own family unit. They struggle to get along with in-laws, they have to put up with their spouse’s snoring and bad habits, and they must learn to think in terms of “us” instead of “me.” Perhaps one of the most difficult challenges they face is that of constructing a budget for their new household. Engaged couples do well to sit down together and look over their financial status, making important decisions for their future. Will they both continue to work, or will one stay home? Will they keep both their … Continue reading

Yoga for Couples

Yoga offers many physical and emotional benefits. For many people, the inner peace and contentment they feel with the regular practice of yoga is what keeps them coming back to the mat. This connection is experienced with partners in couple’s yoga classes. Couples yoga has gained popularity in the last few years and is likely to continue to grow. There are many types of couples yoga classes offered. Really, any form of yoga can be practiced together. The trick is finding a form of yoga that both partners enjoy and that meets your needs. For example, if you are both … Continue reading

Mending Marriage Miscommunications

Yesterday was pretty typical in the life of a young Mormon mommy. I spent all my time breaking up fights, trying not to cry as mess after mess was cleaned up (by me) and recreated (by the children). By the time my husband got home, I was ready for a time-out (for me). I went into the bedroom and treated myself to a book. A couple of hours later, my husband came in. He’d put the children to bed, the house was quiet, and I felt much refreshed. I thanked him for the wonderful reprieve, then stood up to grab … Continue reading

Conception without Communication

For the ones of you that keep up with Beth in Mental Health, she has a very interesting series about marriage currently running. In her story she tells of one couple that is married but rarely has sex. It seems that the wife refused her husband’s intimacy altogether until she was ovulating and ready to conceive. She then approached him with sex and got pregnant (this actually happened twice). Beth’s story continues and is still in the works with article three to come. If you have not checked it out, I suggest that you do. If you are interested in … Continue reading

Summer Fun for Couples

Summer is showing its face strong in many places across the country. It will not be long until school children get the chance to sleep late and play all day. Very soon, the laughter and splashing of swimming pool enjoyers will be heard and legs will be tanned with a golden brown. Summer can be a wonderful time of the year for many fun and exciting activities. Couples should not be exempt from the thrills that the summer can bring. There are many activities that you and your mate can enjoy together this summer. While some of them may not … Continue reading

Foster Discussions and Keep Communication Open

Have you ever had one of those stretches where you were so busy and distracted that it dawned on you that it had been a couple days since you really sat down and talked with your child? When this happens we get filled with guilt and remorse and wonder how on earth we could let such a thing happen… As busy single parents, we really have to make the extra effort to foster discussions with our kids–the older the children get and the more busy we all become, the harder it can be to carve out the time to chat. … Continue reading