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Cell Phones

Today as I was teaching my 8-11 year old girls in Sunday School the issue of cell phones came up. When I was in elementary school I never would have even thought to ask my parents for a cell phone. In my mind it was like asking for a car, it was an adult thing. None of my friends had cell phones and I don’t even remember my mom having one until I was in middle school. As a kid I remember when my grandpa came home with the cool “car phone.” We all thought he was so high tech! Most kids today wouldn’t even know what that is!

All but one of my girls in class today had a cell phone. When I asked one of them about it her response was, “Well my parents are divorced, so I have to have one!” What a different world we live in today. I had to sit down and think about my own son. He is only three now, but what will I do when the time comes that he asks me for a cell phone? Does he need one simply because my ex husband and I are divorced?

I come from a long line of worriers, not just little ones either. Logan goes to get ice cream with his dad, they’re ten minutes late coming back and a million horror stories begin to play through my mind. They’ve been in a horrible accident, he’s been kidnapped, the McDonald’s was robbed and they’re being held hostage, the whole nine yards. My heart is pounding until they pull back in the driveway. At moments like these I think, “Man I wish he had a cell phone so I knew he was ok!” They even have those cool little GPS things in them now so I can keep track of him!

As kids get older they become more of a necessity. If the car breaks down, they need a way to be able to call and get help. It’s an important way for parent’s to be able to touch base with their kids between their busy schedules. But at what age is it appropriate? I think in many ways this depends on the child. You have to have very clear guidelines for the use of the phone and you need to follow through with the consequences. In the end you do what is right for your situation. If your child having a cell phone gives you peace of mind, then let yourself have that one little piece of sanity and do it.

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About Sarah Williams

I am a single mother to a sweet little 4 year old boy named Logan. I am almost done with my degree in Elementary Education and have loved every second of it. I love writing for Families.com and hope to be able to help other single moms through the difficulties of raising a child on your own.