Yoga for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition of the wrist in which the median nerve of the wrist becomes compressed due to swelling of the surrounding tendons. Symptoms include pain, numbness and tingling. It is believed that the cause is repetitive movements of the hand and wrist, often related to work. This is a serious problem for people affected with carpal tunnel. The US Department of Labor reports that carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common medical problem reported in the workplace. There are over a quarter of a million surgeries performed for carpal tunnel syndrome each year in the United … Continue reading

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Pregnancy

Carpal tunnel syndrome is named for a tunnel like structure that runs through the bones of the wrists. A nerve also runs through that tunnel. When this median nerve becomes compressed, carpal tunnel syndrome is the result. This syndrome is common in people who work in computer related fields, such as programming or data processing. It also tends to be more common in pregnant women. The excess fluid and increase in swelling may contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome. Fluid and swelling increase the pressure in the carpal tunnel. This increases the pressure and causes the median nerve to become compressed. … Continue reading

Your Genes and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A recent study from Harvard Medical School says that your genetics may play a bigger role in carpal tunnel than repetitive motion or too much keyboard time. So what is carpal tunnel syndrome? Your arm has a nerve called the median nerve that runs down the arm and into the hand, controlling some of the sensations to thumb and your first three fingers. At the wrist, the median nerve passes through a space called the carpal tunnel. If the nerve becomes compressed or squeezed in the carpal tunnel, you can experience tingling (like pins-and-needles when a limb falls asleep), pain, … Continue reading

Worried About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

I was recently talking to my brother, a self-confessed tech geek and computer junkie, about keyboards. He said he was using the square brick that comes with Dell computers, and he was sure wrist damage couldn’t be far behind. I did a Google search to see what the experts said. There seemed to be a very diverse set of opinions on the subject, surprisingly. At Mayo Clinic, they believe that “In many cases, the syndrome has no specific cause — in spite of the widespread belief that everyone in the work force is at risk…One clear finding from studies is … Continue reading

Massage for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

I was a bad girl. Instead of calling the doctor about my recent wrist pain (which I suspect may be carpal tunnel syndrome), I called my massage therapist. Massage therapists are not supposed to diagnose or recommend treatment. But they sure do know a heck of a lot about the human body, how everything works and how everything is connected. She told me that there is a nerve that runs from the neck through the shoulder and down the arm into the hand. That nerve could have issues way up in the neck that end up causing pain in the … Continue reading

Do I Have… Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

I’m sitting at my desk, left wrist wrapped up in a nifty black brace thingy I picked up at CVS on Saturday… trying desperately NOT to twist my wrist the wrong way. After a few months of periodic pins-and-needles sensations in both hands, my left wrist has erupted into the occasional shooting pain followed by dull ache. So… I hit up to investigate my symptoms. If you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, you may experience the following: Tingling or numbness in the palm and fingers Burning or itching in the palm and fingers A need to “shake out” … Continue reading

Flax Seed Oil for Carpal Tunnel

Aimee Amodio has written some fabulous blogs about carpal tunnel here on I include her links at the bottom of this article. I would like to share with you my own experiences with this condition and the ways I have found to control it in my life. However, you need to do what feels best to you in your circumstances; if you feel you need to be treated with more intervention, you follow that feeling. The summer I was seventeen, I did a lot of crochet, cross-stitch, and typing. As the season progressed, I noticed that my forearms were … Continue reading

Toning the Arms with Yoga

Yoga is great for toning the body, including the arms. Flabby arms happen due to excessive weight, age and other factors. Don’t let flabby arms keep you from wearing armless styles. Yoga offers similar benefits to using weights to tone and strengthen the arms and shoulders. There are yoga DVD workouts that are specifically designed to tone the arms, shoulders and upper body. You can use one of these practices in between your regular yoga practice for an added focus on the arms. However, if you have a fairly well rounded, general practice, you will get the benefits. The poses … Continue reading

Protecting Your Wrists

Yoga poses that place the weight of the upper body on the wrists, such as arm balances, can result in discomfort or pain. For some people, this pain interferes with their practice. Wrist pain can be related to problems with the wrists, such as arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, but some people with no wrist problems experience strain and discomfort. Of course, the exercise industry offers a product to solve the problem. Yoga gloves are designed to reduce the pressure and strain on the wrists in certain yoga poses. The gloves are lightweight and comfortable enough to wear throughout the … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Plank

Plank pose is an arm balance pose that is done at all levels of yoga from beginners to advanced students. This pose is part of the Sun Salutation sequence and a variety of other yoga sequences. Plank pose strengthens the muscles of the arms, shoulders and abdomen. In addition, performing this pose is often done to increase strength in the arms and is used to prepare students for more challenging arm balances. The starting point for plank pose will vary, depending on whether the pose is done alone or as part of a sequence. In Sun Salutations and other sequences, … Continue reading