Is Home Day Care the Work at Home Option for you?

I know a woman who provides home daycare.  I would often see her sitting on her porch relaxing.  To my surprise, she was not enjoying a day off but a short respite from the children in her care.  Screaming and an incident of a toddler biting a baby would be what jolted her back into her work day.  She would feed them the same meal daily with a watered down drink.  The watered down drink was not to limit sugar consumption but to stretch her own budget.  She once told me of a day care provider that gave the kids only … Continue reading

Tips for Avoiding Work at Home Scams

One thing that you may already know about the world of home – based business is that there are many scams out there that are designed to get the attention of people who want to work from home. It is frustrating to look for work at home jobs or home based business opportunities sometimes because it can be hard to tell what is legitimate and what is a scam. Scammers are always finding new and creative ways to dupe well intentioned people with home – based dreams. The answer to the question of what to do about home – based … Continue reading

Diary of a Work at Home Mom Part 22

Yesterday, I found a case of CDs in my car that I had not listened to for a long time. As I flipped through it, I saw a couple of CDs that I had not listened to since I was in law school, about seven years ago. Since we had a little bit of a drive ahead of us to go to the grocery store, I put one into the CD player just for old times’ sake. By now, I am certain that you are thinking “What does this have to do with home – based business?”. As the CD … Continue reading

Diary of a Work at Home Mom Part 21

One of the challenges associated with working from home is something that many home-based professionals joke about with their friends who have traditional jobs outside of the home. People who do not work from home may joke with us about working in our pajamas or being able to catch a nap whenever we feel like it, but sometimes having your bed so close by can truly pose a challenge. While home-based professionals do enjoy the benefit of not having to rise early to commute to our workplace (unless we rise early to do our work) or come home late after … Continue reading

Diary of a Work at Home Mom Part 20

One of the wonderful things about being a home-based professional is that some types of home-based work can be done at places other than your home. Today, I read a story on Elance about a person who was able to travel to Ecuador for six weeks because he works online. Perhaps even more fascinating than the fact that this person was able to travel to Ecuador and experience an entirely new place and culture is the fact that since this person works as a freelance writer, he could even relocate to Ecuador permanently if he wanted to and still have … Continue reading

Diary of a Work at Home Mom Part 19

Lately, I have been blessed with quite a bit of work for both of my home based businesses. That is exciting, because like most people out there, I like to get paid. I also enjoy my work and it is good to know that there is plenty to do. It would be untruthful for me to portray that having this good fortune is all sunshine and roses, though. For the past couple of days, I have been on the road with my almost two year old son. We are accompanying my husband as he does some work – related travel. … Continue reading

Diary Of A Work At Home Mom – Part 18

Many home-based professionals have families. Our families are very important in both our personal lives and our professional lives. Family members can be the inspiration for starting a home-based business, people who help out with the work of the business, emotional and financial support for you as you go about starting and running your business, and many other wonderful things. Our families also help to shape our businesses in other ways, such as our work schedules and work loads. Changes in the schedules of family members may make it necessary for a home-based professional to switch up their work schedule. … Continue reading

Diary of a Work At Home Mom Part 17

Today a random thought crossed my mind and I cannot seem to get rid of it. It is probably a thought that is not unique to me, in fact I am sure that many home-based professionals and even some people who work outside of the home have had at one time or another. It is actually more of a question than a thought, though. My question of the day is whether it is okay for a person who holds themselves out as a professional to admit to themselves and/or others that work is not their top priority. I am not … Continue reading

Diary of a Work At Home Mom – Part 16

Everyone understands the value of learning from mistakes. Once a mistake has been made, the best thing that you can do is to find the lesson in it and move forward, remembering not to repeat the mistake again. Today I made a mistake that made me realize that being eager to please is not always a good thing. Yesterday, I received wonderful news that I had been awarded a job that I had bid on the night before. It is just for a few hours a week, which is exactly what I needed to round out my schedule. Today, I … Continue reading

Diary of a Work At Home Mom Part 15

It is amazing how you may not realize that your schedule could benefit from a change until you happen to change it one day unintentionally and realize that things could be a lot better of you keep the change. That is exactly what happened to me today. It is a Monday, and I always have a lot of work to get done on Mondays. Normally, my son and I would get up around nine or ten in the morning when my husband gets up to get ready for work. Today, his schedule was different and he had to get up … Continue reading