Reasons I am glad we homeschool: School Violence

It has been 10 long years since the Columbine tragedy, but that horrible day when two students murdered 12 others and one teacher is etched deep in the hearts of our country. That day proved that those we trust to protect and teach our children really have limited power to do anything. Faced with guns and a detailed plan, almost anyone can wreak havoc on our schools and endanger our children. While many homeschoolers do so in an effort to protect their kids from the danger of schools, my reason was more academic and emotional. Still the side effect not … Continue reading

President Bush Calls for School Violence Meeting

In light of all the school violence recently and perhaps an answer to my plea that no one seemed to be responding to this latest wave of school violence, President Bush has finally called for a meeting about this topic. Through a spokeswoman President Bush released a statement basically stating that American’s hearts are breaking over the loss of lives at our schools, a place in which children are supposed to be learning. I know he is correct; my heart is collectively breaking for these students who went to school only to be gunned down. My heart is breaking for … Continue reading

Dating Violence in Schools

Dating violence is becoming more and more common. Possessive boyfriends that become jealous, demanding, isolate young teen girls and then finally become violent with them are not usual even on school grounds. Sometimes dating violence has fatal consequences that can end a young life and leave her family in ruins. Just two states mandate teaching kids about dating violence in schools. Texas mandates awareness education on dating violence, although the specific education requirements are not specified. Other states say they encourage this education, although it is not required. But Rhode Island is progressive on the issue. It recently passed a … Continue reading

More Comments On Violence In The Schools

I wasn’t planning on a three-part blog on the issue of the rise in violence in schools but when I read the paper this morning, I found a few more interesting comments that I want to share (if you missed the earlier blog, go here.) One caller said we should lockdown the schools. Her kids attended school in Michigan and once the school day got underway, they locked the school and in order to get in, a visitor had to ring a buzzer. School personnel then looked on a monitor to see who it was and if it wasn’t a … Continue reading

Amish School Shooting: Yet Another Wave of Violence in our Schools

Here I am yet again, writing about another act of senseless violence in our schools. This time at an Amish school in Pennsylvania. A 32-year old man walked into a one-room school house this morning armed with an assault rifle and a handgun. He proceeded to ask all students to line up at the chalkboard. He then (according to a news report I just watched) tied the legs of some students together while they were facing the chalkboard. He let the male students go and kept the female students. He also released a pregnant woman and two assistant teachers who … Continue reading

Senator Franken Says Schools Need More Counselors

In the weeks after the tragedy that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Connecticut, there have been several ideas discussed about how to prevent something like that from happening again. Senator Al Franken says that schools need to have more counselors. He will push for federal funding to make that a reality. There are no words that can adequately describe the shock that people felt after learning about what happened in Connecticut in December of 2012. A twenty-something shooter went into Sandy Hook elementary school and opened fire. Twenty six people were killed that day – and twenty of … Continue reading

Clarification on Asperger’s Syndrome and Violence

By now, we have all heard the tragic news about the shooting that took place in an elementary school in Connecticut. Some say the shooter had Asperger’s Syndrome. Experts point out that there is no evidence of a link between violence like what happened and the existence of Asperger’s syndrome. A tragedy has occurred in Newtown, Connecticut. I do not have the words to express the grief and pain that the parents of the children who were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut must be feeling. Lacking that, I will instead quote part of what President Obama … Continue reading

Does Soda Cause Teen Violence?

Is your teen a regular soda (or pop, however you wish to refer to it) drinker? Then you should know that your teen is at a higher risk of being violent. That is according to a recent study in Boston and a survey in Minnesota. So if that’s the case, then imagine how a teen that plays violent video games and downs a Pepsi on a regular basis will fare? While it is certainly an interesting study, I’m not entirely sure I see the link between soda and violence. I guess you could say that the caffeine causes an adrenal … Continue reading

Would You Let Your Preschooler Watch Violent Television?

A couple of weeks ago, we went downtown to see the Chinese New Year parade. It was great fun, especially since this year it was not sleeting. After the parade, we picked up some steamed buns, ate some chocolate lucky money, and perused some of the stores. I got my daughter a backpack for kindergarten this fall. It’s covered with anime nature characters and little smiley faces. As we took the bus home we examined the backpack and discovered that one of the little smiling cartoon characters was carrying a gun. Discussion ensued, and we decided that taking a picture … Continue reading

Can Good Parenting Prevent Teen Violence

There is a reason that we talk so much about discipline, and child behavior so much. This is because it is important to do as good a job in parenting as possible in hoped that it will keep our children on the straight and narrow through childhood and into adulthood. But can all the parenting in the world prevent some of the bad teen issues we are seeing in the news right now. News of gang rapes, rapes in middle schools, setting children on fire, and girl on girl beatings are the extreme in bad teenage behavior. Whenever I see … Continue reading